Saturday, May 2, 2009

-♥Saturday :}

Meet weeling in th morning, MRT down to tamp.
meet suwen, cab-ed down to clare's house downstair.
Clare camed down, accompany her tuh eat at coffeeee shop.
Slack around at voideck.
LOL.Funniest was,
When i blahblah, I start to wack clare? LOL.
Sorry ley clare!! Not purposly one, I don't know why i so hyperactive and playful also -_- .
Spitted saliva at her too. What the fuck. -_- Sorry ey !! LOL.
Went to another voideck, Suwen found a 'good' phoone siah, With no camera and music. LOL.
We use to prank call,
throw around LOL.
And clare lost control, She threw th phone so hard on the ground , Untill th phone totally disfigured. LOL.
Went to buy drink with clare , Boughted something again.
Then my daddy come so fast. So went home around 9pm.

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